christianitydiversityequalityfuture If We’re Being Honest I've been a Christian for 35 years and have worked in churches for the past 20 years. I…CoreyLeakDecember 7, 2018
diversityequalityraceracism Can you Imagine? There is a scenario that Jesus shared once that has been called "The Friend of Midnight". Luke (Bible…CoreyLeakNovember 28, 2018
churchdiversityracism 4 Reasons Your Church Doesn’t Talk About Race We celebrate diversity. This is a sentence echoed from nearly every Evangelical pastor in America. Yet it is…CoreyLeakNovember 15, 2018
culturediversityequalityrace 6 Things I Tell People Before They Start Talking About Race It seems like everywhere you turn these days, you'll hear race at the center of conversation. It doesn't matter if it's…CoreyLeakOctober 17, 2018
churchculturediversity One Race There is a damaging idea out there that many of us in the faith community have been taught to believe.…CoreyLeakOctober 10, 2018
diversityequalityfutureraceracism I’m with Kap, Eric and Nike Polarization doesn't sell. I was once told by a pastor of a mega-church that avoiding polarization is one…CoreyLeakSeptember 4, 2018
diversityequalityraceracism Angry. Black. Man. What makes you angry? Take a second and think about the last time you were truly mad…CoreyLeakAugust 29, 2018
diversity Why “Crazy Rich Asians” Is Important For Us All My wife and I are big time movie watchers. Ninety percent of our dates are the two of…CoreyLeakAugust 22, 2018
diversityequalityleadership Jesus’ Peaceful Demonstration There is an extremely popular story that the gospel writer John shares in the 8th chapter of…CoreyLeakAugust 14, 2018
churchdiversityequalityrace 3 Truths For the Faith Community about Charlottesville A year ago I was sitting in a Saturday night service, when I heard the news that there…CoreyLeakAugust 10, 2018