culturediversityequalityraceracism Why We Must Abandon Whiteness To my white friends out there reading this - You weren't born white. You learned whiteness. If you've…CoreyLeakApril 26, 2019
christianitycultureleadership The Emperor’s Clothes I grew up believing that I shouldn't give money to homeless people. At a young age, someone told…CoreyLeakApril 19, 2019
christianityculture Game of Thrones and The Bible The Game of Thrones premiere airs Sunday!!! The anticipation in the air is palpable. GOT fans have waited…CoreyLeakApril 11, 2019
cultureequalityrace Ten Claims that DON’T Prove You’re Not Racist There are specific labels in our society that no one wants to be attached to their character. Near the…CoreyLeakMarch 28, 2019
christianityculturediversityequalityracism Fear of Faith I shared a quote this week in the wake of the terrible Christchurch shootings - the attack that…CoreyLeakMarch 20, 2019
cultureequalityfuture I’m Not a Socialist But… I'm not a socialist, nor do I claim to be an expert on what it is. Full disclosure,…CoreyLeakMarch 14, 2019
christianitychurchcultureequalityfuturegender Not Safe For Church A friend messaged me this video yesterday and asked what I thought of it. Initially, I wanted…CoreyLeakNovember 20, 2018
culture Two Christian Beliefs About Politics That Are Outdated There's a lot of Christian rhetoric thrown around every election season. Some of it is helpful I suppose,…CoreyLeakNovember 7, 2018
culturediversityequalityrace 6 Things I Tell People Before They Start Talking About Race It seems like everywhere you turn these days, you'll hear race at the center of conversation. It doesn't matter if it's…CoreyLeakOctober 17, 2018
churchculturediversity One Race There is a damaging idea out there that many of us in the faith community have been taught to believe.…CoreyLeakOctober 10, 2018